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  • Writer's pictureChris Davies

That Tree

On my third scouting trip i finally found this elusive tree (Now officially named by Deb 'That F*ck!ng Tree' ) It's almost as if it was strategically planted for future artists to paint or ptotograph as the spot it occupies in the rocks creates such good leading lines and that branch must have been trained to grow that way framing Ribblehead Viaduct the way it does as it just makes for an almost perfect scene. All this needs now is the sun to be in the right place when rising, a good scattering of clouds to catch some colour, the leaves to be all orange & yellow with maybe some frost on the grroud. I expect i'll probably have enough images of this location to make a book by the time i've got the photo i want.

Anyway, i've put the potential book cover as the second image for youe enjoyment.

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